What else we do
Although, as you would expect, we are a club that plays outdoor lawn bowls, we do lots of other things.
Our social activities, particularly in the off season (October to March), cover a multitude of one-off events;
- Bingo evenings,
- Quizzes,
- Themed catering evening e.g. Burns Night,
- Soccer and Rugby events.
We have regular groups that take part in weekly table top sports such as whist.
In the off season we also organise a carpet bowls competition – plus tea and a chat – for our members.
Throughout the summer months we take advantage of the green oasis that surrounds Burnham Bowls Club, and the highly competitively priced bar, to have a practice match or just to sit, chat and watch the matches taking place on the bowling green.
Believe us, it really is relaxing!